Drag and Drop on Canvas

Deepak Rai
1 min readOct 2, 2021

This article will help you to implement drag and drop features on canvas element. First of all we need one canvas element

<canvas id=”deepCan” width=”400" height=”300">

Drag and drop is handled in three phases:

  1. Detect a mousedown event over a shape, which begins the operation

function doMouseDown(e){
if (e.pageX < x + 30 + can.offsetLeft && e.pageX > x — 30 +
can.offsetLeft && e.pageY < y + 30 + can.offsetTop &&
e.pageY > y -30 + can.offsetTop){
x = e.pageX — can.offsetLeft;
y = e.pageY — can.offsetTop;
dragok = true;
can.onmousemove = doMouseMove;

2. Position the shape according to the mouse coordinates using the mousemove event listener

function doMouseMove(e){
if (dragok){
x = e.pageX — can.offsetLeft;
y = e.pageY — can.offsetTop;

3. Drop the shape when the mouse button is released (mouseup)

function doMouseUp(){
dragok = false;
can.onmousemove = null;

Please get the complete source code from below location


